Sunday, December 16, 2012

Diablo 3: Top 10 Best Legendaries


Inna's Temperance- The only pants in game with Attack Speed Increased (ASI) and Critical chance (CC). It also has 12 Movement Speed (MS), 2 sockets and can roll vitality. Probably the BiS pants for Demon Hunters, Monks and also being loved by Barbarians, WitchDoctors and Wizards.
  • Class: All.
  • + Huge DPS boost. Movementspeed. Ideal for speedfarming.
  • - Low EHP. Glasscannon.


 Vile Ward – The BiS item for shoulder. This is an equivalent to Ice Climbers in terms of EHP and DPS it provides. It adds health Regeneration, maximum all resistance and an armor. Some will argue that a rare shoulder can roll better than this one, but most people will prefer wearing Vile Ward because it is the best looking legendary item when equipped.

  • Class: All.
  • +Best looking item in-game. High Stats and a boost to EHP.
  • -can be outrolled by a rare shoulder (% life). Vitality is not that high.


    Ice Climbers– The BiS (Best in Slot) for Boots. Ice Climbers can roll to 300-350 stats, has high resistance, +10-12% life with 100-150 vitality. The EHP (Effective health Pool) this boots provide is insane. It has socket for additional stat and it can also roll movement speed.

  • Class: All.
  •  +EHP and high stats.
  • -Lacks movementspeed and very expensive.


 Manticore – The best 2-handed range weapon in-game. Gemmed and it can give you a max 300 Crit Hit Damage (CHD). It also rolls Lifesteal (LS) for EHP. Say whatever you want with dual crossbow, Manticore will always be a BiS weapon for DH. Manticore made Hellion CB unsellable and obsolete.

  • Class: Demon Hunter
  • +Insane DPS. The best Crossbow ingame.
  • -The added Poison damage which negates the +holy damage of Inna's belt.


Dead Man's Legacy - The best quiver in-game. Such a beast item both for EHP and DPS (damage per second). It can roll to 300+ dex and 300+ vitality. It adds hatred regeneration, possible 20% Attack Speed increased (ASI), 10% Critchance, % damage to Demon hunter skill and 1 random Magic Properties. I placed this item high on the list because it made all rare quivers obsolete and unsellable.

  • Class: Demon Hunter
  • +Insane DPS increase for an item.
  • -None.  


Skorn – The best 2-hand melee weapon in-game. Gemmed and it can give you a max 300 Crit Hit Damage (CHD). It gives an insane amount of DPS coupled with a high stat roll. It can also roll a nice 6% lifesteal which is pretty much made this item a beast. I placed this higher than Manticore because Skorn can be a good item for almost all classes except DH.  

  • Class: All, except DH.
  • +Insane DPS.
  • -Slow.


Lacuni Prowlers – The BiS item for bracers. Youve got to love the +12 MS it gives and 8-9% ASI. And most of all, a possible 6 CC which made this a BiS item for all class.

  • Class: All
  • +MS and Huge DPS increase
  • -Low stats roll.


Mempo of Twilight – The BiS item for head slot. This item is a beast in both EHP and DPS. Life Percent, All Resist, and a socket for additional %life, Crit Hit chance and ASI. One word: beast.

  • Class: All
  • +Huge EHP and DPS boost.
  • -Very Expensive.


Witching Hour – The BiS item for belt, not just for a specific class, but for all. What makes this item better than Lacuni is that it has a 100% to roll Stat, ASI and CHD while the latter can roll CH rarely. Witching Hour can also gives you a % life roll so it adds to your EHP. A beast item.

  • Class: All
  • +Huge DPS increase. Adds EHP (%Life)
  • -None.


Natalya's Legacy Set- I placed this at the top because you can never ever find a set as good as this one. The discipline regeneration this set gives is always labeled an OP (overpowered) because it gives Demon Hunters an insane amount of EHP. No other item in game can regenerate a DH discipline. It has always been speculated that both Gloom, Smoke screen and Trail of Cinders (DH skills) were nerfed because of this set. And a possibility that smoke screen will be nerfed once again when PVP comes. Added to the mystic of this set is the fact that the pieces will no longer be dropped from mobs. Truly a legendary and indeed. A relic. A Legacy.

  • Class: Demon Hunter
  • +Perma Gloom. Perma Vault. Huge EHP boost. Unmatched in survivality.
  • -Will not drop. Possible future nerf.

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